Soil Testing

Comprehensive soil testing for confident planning and construction.

Soil Testing at Coffey Testing

An in depth understanding of the ground conditions and soil composition of the project enables confidence with planning and construction as well as mitigating potential risks.

Soil Testing is Available at our laboratories Australian – Wide

Coffey Testing has an extensive Australian network of both base and mobile laboratories, and these are where our experienced Geo-technicians are located. These resources, coupled with over 60 years’ experience, enables us to service testing needs where and when required, whether small, large, simple or complex projects.

Coffey Testing has the capacity to successfully service Australia’s largest major projects whilst also maintaining a regional network of technicians who are ready to assist with local projects.  Many of our technicians are local to their regions, possessing extensive knowledge of the soil conditions and characteristics that are unique to the region.

What types of soil testing can Coffey Testing do?

Our soil testing services range from soil classification, material quality and conformance, compaction testing, consolidation tests and density testing through to advanced specialised testing.

Need help with Soil Testing?

Get in touch with our friendly sales team today.

Soil Testing

Projects that used Soil Testing

Coffey Testing in Adelaide have been assisting with the $685 million project, the Fleurieu Connections Alliance Project Stage 1 – Main South Road Duplication Project in South Australia.
Our Rockhampton Coffey Testing team has been appointed by Haslin to assist with the North Rockhampton Sewage Treatment Plant (NRSTP) Project.
The Coffey Testing team in Western Australia have been contracted by Ertech to supply testing services for the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Shore Crossing Project.
Coffey Testing is conducting geotechnical testing, in order to prepare the ground prior to any construction occurring.