Peter Geste

Quality & Training Manager

 Peter Geste has been involved in materials testing for the majority of his career in the porcelain, heavy clay and oil field cementing industries, and has held positions in laboratory and quality management.

He is driven to assist the company in quality and training processes in order to provide a competent workforce that has a strong focus on accurate test results and dependable service.

He says, “It is very encouraging to work with likeminded individuals and see the enthusiasm to succeed amongst the technicians and managers.”

Other Members

Peter Geste

Quality & Training Manager

Marshall Powell

Quality & Training Officer

Will Richards

Infrastructure & Assets Manager

Josie Small

Sales & Marketing Officer

Graeme Pooley

Service Delivery Manager

Matthew George

Quality & Training Officer

Paul Oliver

LIMS Manager

Julian Hunt

IT Administrator

Phoebe Hulme

Human Resources Manager

Amelia Matheson

Fleet Manager