Mobile Trailer Laboratory Now Available in Coffey Testing – WA

Mobile Trailer Laboratory Now Available in Coffey Testing - WA

Our Coffey Testing – WA team are proud to announce their progression of mobile testing through their brand-new Laboratory in a Trailer.

This trailer has been incorporated into our WA testing procedures to offer our clients a more comprehensive level of testing, ensuring flexibility around these tests, and delivering shorter turnaround times, particularly for clients located over long distances in Western Australia.

Luke Redmond, the Operations Manager for our Western Australian and South Australian regions, states, “The Laboratory Trailer concept has been 4 years in the making and is something that I have been involved with from conception of design, through to execution.”

The Laboratory in a Trailer also allows us to cut costs that are incorporated with mobilising a 6m x 3m building for an annex laboratory, especially when due to the nature of the Construction Materials Testing industry, some testing is needed for different scopes of jobs, and this lab in a van also solves the issue of provident expedient delivery of testing for smaller and shorter scope of projects.

Prior to the Laboratory in a Trailer, the Coffey Testing – WA team were being asked by their clients to undertake the following procedure, which took a lot of time and was quite costly.

Franco Harkins, General Manager for Western Australia and South Australia says, “… We were being asked by our clients to drive to site, which would be a large distance from our Base Lab for 1-3 days, collate samples, and then bring them back to our Base Facility, which was delaying the turnaround times of testing results, which added risk to the project’s failing, and adding extensive costing into these failed areas, due to not having the required results within that 24-48 hour period.

“Utilising the trailer for mobile testing allows us to address these issues and cut down turnaround time and be cost-effective.”

The Coffey Testing – WA team are proud to offer a solution that streamlines processes and cuts costs that are typically associated with traditional practices. By embracing the Laboratory in a Trailer, our team is now better equipped to meet the diverse needs of clients and deliver efficient, cost-effective solutions.

The Laboratory in a Trailer is Available at both our Coffey Testing – Perth and Port Hedland laboratories for all your remote testing needs. Get in touch today for more information.