Coffey Testing’s – Port Hedland Lab Can Service Your Project’s Needs

Coffey Testing's - Port Hedland Lab Can Service Your Project's Needs

With access to readily available resources, Coffey Testing can service the Pilbara area of Western Australia, through their Port Hedland Laboratory.

Coffey Testing, located nationwide, is committed to the Australian economy, and this is further highlighted through their Australian Owned Social Responsibility Partnership.

This certification represents our active support for not only the wellbeing of our staff, but our clients and other local businesses. It is important for the support to go both ways, as at the end of the day, this is a key driver in our nation’s economy and success.

Franco Harkins, General Manager of Coffey Testing’s Western Australian and South Australian operations, states, “Port Hedland is the gateway to the Pilbara, and this will allow us to service the whole region and be in driving distance to the South of the Kimberly region.”

Benefits of accessibility to the Pilbara region

The Port Hedland Laboratory services the Mid-West, Gascoyne, Pilbara, and Kimberley regions of Western Australia. Initially starting out as an annex Laboratory in February 2023, it then transitioned into a branch in April of the same year. It acts as the Regional Hub, that provides equipment and staffing to these regional operations. The Port Hedland lab has the housing for 3 technicians, 2 of which are currently residential, and can provide local testing services 7 days a week, without the need of Coffey Testing Perth needing to fly staff in and out.

Harkins adds, “We realised that our footprint of permanent testing facilities was limited to the Perth metropolitan area, and with us having several remote annex facilities in Pilbara, it was essential for us to open a remote base testing facility to provide not only support for our remote annex labs, but also provide testing services to local clients, mining and resource areas.”

The Port Hedland laboratory allows Coffey Testing to be readily available to assist with projects that will nurture the growth of the rural Western Australian population. Pilbara is known to many as the Resource Hub, and having this locality allows us to readily supply our services within a high turnaround time, whilst also reducing mobilisation time and any additional costs that surround that.

“We don’t need to rely on FIFO staff, and have a full suite of aggregate testing, including Los Angelos Abrasion testing, that no other competing remote lab can provide.
Alongside this, our staff are very experienced and qualified, and have over 100 years of collective experience between them, bringing our clients peace of mind when it comes to their projects,” Harkins says.

Our long-standing relationships with clients and the impact

Over the past 12 months, the Port Hedland team have worked with client Austral Construction, on a range of projects that further support the Pilbara region. These include the Yeerabiddy Rail Siding Project, BHP Rail Renewals and MAC Access Road.

Austral Construction was founded in 1979 and quickly became one of Australia’s leading marine piling and civil construction companies. Since then, Austral has steadily grown and expanded their services across the mining, civil and marine sectors. Their mission is to deliver safe, sustainable, and high-quality projects and services, which uphold their core values and the ‘Austral Construction’ legacy.

Thomas Crocker, a Senior Project Manager for Austral Construction, states that the company came across Coffey Testing when needing a contractor that was reliable, flexible, and aligned with the businesses’ core values.

“With a large percentage of our work located between Newman and Port Hedland, having a locally based Geotechnical partner with the ability to mobilise on short notice allows us the flexibility to meet our client’s ever-changing requirements.

Things can move quickly when working on these projects, so Austral and our partners need to be nimble enough to respond with a of minimum fuss. Coffey [Testing] does this with aplomb.”

Crocker also talks about the importance of working with like-minded partners, as these teams can create the most successful projects when working towards a common goal. He also highly talks about Coffey Testing and our ability to be reactive whilst still maintaining our professionalism, day-in, day-out.

“There is an understanding that while the original plan may change, we must remain agile, and ensure that quality and safety are always at the forefront of completing any project.

Austral Construction has built a solid foundation on completing high quality projects, and Coffey Testing possesses the same eye for detail.”

Crocker also talks about how there is plenty of opportunity for growth in the region of Port Hedland, and how the ongoing works that the Austral and Coffey Testing teams are a part of, make all the difference when it comes to accessibility to accommodation, and resources for workers and families alike.

He says, “Engaging with contractors with the same ethos of quality and safety that Austral do is vital to things running smoothly. Coffey Testing have been key to this on several projects to date.”

Adding, “Having ongoing works in the region is great for the local community, as it provides opportunities for families to relocate to the local area, rather than solely relying on FIFO workers. While the resources sector can be a fickle beast at times, we have confidence that the future is bright and that there will be a strong work bank to draw from for many years to come.”

Port Hedland is Proudly Supported by Coffey Testing

To conclude, Port Hedland is the gateway to Pilbara, which acts as the Resource Hub to the Port Hedland region of Western Australia. Our Coffey Testing team is actively available to pursue any projects through their attention to detail and high-quality testing services that yield results that last. If you are after construction materials testing and advice that is bound to make an impact to your project and create an ongoing relationship for future projects, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Port Hedland team today.