National Proficiency Program

National Proficiency Program

This month, Coffey Testing participated in a National Proficiency Program for compressive strength of concrete specimens and mass per unit volume.

National Proficiency ProgramThe purpose of this proficiency study is to provide confidence to the Geotechnical Civil Construction Materials Testing Industry regarding the competency of Coffey Testing base laboratories and annex facilities to perform these tests.

To maintain our NATA accreditation, each product of materials that our laboratories are accredited for need to be covered at least once every two years. In addition to proficiency testing, all of our laboratories and annex sites participate in regular quality assurance activities (QAA) throughout the year.

Results from proficiency programs can indicate how a laboratory had performed against all other participants and indicate if a laboratory may need to review their process if the result returned is an investigation or an outlier in comparison to other results received.