COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Response

Coffey Testing – COVID-19 Response

At Coffey Testing our number one priority through COVID-19 is the safety and
health of our employees and their families.

In a fast moving and fluid environment our decisions are being guided by
the below principles as we follow the advice and directives of Commonwealth, State and
Territory Government as well as their respective health authorities:

  • Limit risk to the health of our people and their families, clients,
    suppliers and the broader community; and
  • Being flexible and agile to maintain our quality standard of client
    services across Australia.

    Limit risk to the health of our people

    We have been proactive in implementing COVID-19 Safety Plans at each location to help minimise the threat and combat the spread of COVID-19. The COVID-19 Safety Plans clearly set out what Coffey Testing are doing to fulfil our obligations under public health orders and minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19 on our premises. These plans will be regularly reviewed and updated by our National Safety and Management team to ensure that risk is managed in accordance with the latest expert advice and regulations.

    Below are some of the company-wide initiatives applied by Coffey Testing:

    • Split shifts where possible to reduce unnecessary exposure to others;
    • Work station distancing and independence;
    • Toolbox meetings in open, outdoor areas with compulsory distancing;
    • Staggered lunch breaks;
    • Increased equipment and commercial cleaning as well as intermittent
      office disinfecting throughout the day;
    • Sanitiser wherever possible and used as frequently as possible;
    • Ensuring isolation rules are followed;
    • Staff who can work from home are doing so to minimise unnecessary
      exposure to essential workers that must remain in the office; and
    • Reminders of the importance of effective hand washing.

    In addition, due to the diversity of our business across locations, we have
    encouraged each location to apply processes and sanitation methods that are
    effective for their unique operating environment.

    Servicing our clients

    We are engaging constantly with our clients to ensure our service ability
    is aligned to their current and upcoming programs. With more than 250
    qualified technicians throughout Australia we continue to be well placed to
    ensure delivery to the high standards our clients expect.

    Our integrated online systems allow our operational systems and processes
    to keep being used in service of our clients and keeps the work connected
    between the laboratories and those people that are working from home.

    Our risks of COVID-19 exposure through our supply chain are minimal as we
    are not dependent on suppliers or complex supply chains to deliver our
    services and we maintain additional capacity of equipment and consumables
    at all times.

    Whilst our minimal dependence on suppliers is not like most businesses, we
    have remained proactive in our communication with them to ensure this area
    does not become a risk to our business’ ability to operate.


    Since the outbreak of this pandemic we have adhered strictly to State and
    Federal Government restrictions in relation to travel.