Introducing Suze Garas and the Organisational Development Team

Suze Garas

At Coffey Testing we pride ourselves on delivering excellence to our clients and believe that quality, safety, and the expertise of our people are critical in achieving this.

While these areas have always been important to our operations, we are continually committed to investing in this area to ensure that we are at the forefront of our industry for quality, safety, and training.

With this in mind, we have recently restructured our Leadership Team and would like to introduce and welcome Suze Garas into the new role of Organisational Development Manager (ODM)!

Suze has over 20 years’ experience working in Organisational Development including senior leadership roles where she was responsible for quality, safety, and training. She is excited to join an organisation that recognises the value of these functions.

Suze is looking forward to working with everyone at Coffey Testing and enhancing our Quality, Safety & Training functions. She is committed to the safety of our people and genuinely believes that quality and integrity should be at the heart of everything we do. She is passionate about learning and can see opportunities to take our training to the next level to continue to build and enhance the capability and expertise of our people.

Organisational Development TeamIn her role as ODM, Suze will lead the newly formed Organisational Development Team (ODT) which comprises of our established roles of Quality, Safety & Training. In the Quality role is Cade Smallpage, our National Quality Manager and NATA Authorised Representative who has been a part of Coffey Testing for 16 years. In the Safety role is Scott Picton, our Safety and Radiation Manager who has 14 years’ experience in the industry and 10 years with Coffey Testing. And in the Training role is John Kennedy Jr, who has over 8 years’ experience with Coffey Testing.

The Quality, Safety and Training functions have always worked closely together, but at the same time were independent of each other. Recognising the value of bringing these functions together was the catalyst for the change.

By working together, the ODT will be able to leverage expertise, create greater efficiency and scale, increase productivity and innovation, and improve overall delivery excellence to the business and our clients.

The team developed a plan that outlined 5 goals that will be a key focus for the next 18 months. These include:

  • Ensure workplace health, safety and wellbeing
  • Deliver high quality training to build capability and develop expertise
  • Continue to improve and maintain an effective Quality Management System
  • Enhance the effectiveness of our processes, systems and frameworks
  • Promote and build a culture of quality, safety and continuous learning

With this plan and our new ODT, we look forward to maintaining and continually improving on our high standards of excellence in delivery. And once again, welcome to the Coffey Testing team Suze, we are excited to have you on board!