Coffey Testing – Sustainable Changes for a Greener Future

Coffey Testing - Sustainable Changes for a Greener Future

Coffey Testing are passionate about supporting the planet and its natural resources, in the hopes of creating an eco-friendly and promising future. We take great pride in our commitment and sustainability to environmental change, consistently ensuring we make a positive impact on the landscape around us.

The Shift Away from Mining

Australia is well known as a mining region. According to the ABS Labour Account data of 2021-22, there was a decrease of 26.2% of employment in mining across Australia.

Comparatively, in between the period of 2015-2019, Australia saw a substantial growth in renewable energy activities, such as scale solar, wind, and installation of rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV), and then in 2021, renewable electricity generation accounted for 34.3% of careers in this field, across the board, and is rapidly increasing.

Coffey Testing Reducing Carbon Emissions

As of February 2023, traffic pollution claims more than 11,000 Australian lives lost each year, making air pollution a silent killer.

Coffey Testing has been monitoring their idling on a weekly basis through our Fleet Manager.

Since May 2023, our Coffey Testing Fleet idling rates have dropped by 13%, decreasing fuel costs of our vehicles, and further minimising the number of emissions that are omitted into the air.

We have recently begun purchasing different-branded vehicles, and the monitoring process will continue to identify if other branded vehicles release less emissions than others.

This process will allow us to make more environmentally conscious decisions when it comes to leasing or purchasing company cars in the future.

Coffey Testing Projects Focused on the Environment

Coffey Testing in recent years has taken on various projects that steer away from mining and focus on a renewable and sustainable future. These include the following:

Wind Farms

Wind energy is one of the nation’s biggest renewable energy resources. Wind power is generated through turbines, and this is where kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy. Wind Farms are usually placed in elevated places, due to there being more wind higher in the air, with many wind turbines with a build height of up to 160 metres.

As of 2023, there are currently more than 300 wind farm projects currently in operation. The Clean Energy Council (CEC) found that wind energy generated 29,891,946MW of electricity in 2022, which accounted for 35.6% Australia’s renewable energy, making wind Australia’s largest renewable energy source.


Coffey Testing Wind Farm Projects

  • Clark Creek Wind Farm: Located 150km North-West of Rockhampton and 150km South of Mackay, Stage One of this 450MW wind farm has commenced.
  • Lotus Creek Wind Farm: This $1 billion project, developed by Ark Energy, was approved for construction in late 2022. Lotus Creek is located approximately 20km West of the town of St Lawrence and will have a maximum capacity of up to 341MW.
  • Boulder Creek Wind Farm: Located 40km South-West of Rockhampton, and about 5km West of Mount Morgan in Central Queensland, Boulder Creek Wind Farm is approximately 372MW, and is expected to comprise of up to 60 wind turbines.

Solar Farms

These farms are typically housed on large plots of land, with several hundred photovoltaic solar panels connected and extended across the plot. Essentially, solar farms work the same that as a roof top solar panel unit, as they also absorb sunlight that is then converted into electricity.

These are used primarily to mass produce and generate large-scale power to then be fed directly into the grid, which can be utilised by households and businesses.

Liquefied Natural Gas

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) involves the process of converting natural gas from its gaseous state into a liquid form. During this refrigeration period, dust, carbon dioxide and other impurities are removed.

LNG is a top contender in the renewable energy transition, and Coffey Testing has been a part of multiple projects in recent years whereby environmental protection and preserving natural flora and fauna is at the forefront.

Coffey Testing LNG Projects

Wheatstone LNG: This was one of six of the major LNG projects under construction throughout the 5-year period of 2011 -2016, located in Onslow, WA. The Project was hugely environmentally sensitive, and successfully managed their environmental considerations throughout project duration.

The Gorgon Gas Project: Located in Barrow Island, WA, this 9 year project has won awards for exceptional environment protection, through quarantine control, flora and fauna welfare, and protection control.

Super Batteries

Super or ‘massive’ batteries are a great tool that will assist with the transition to shift to renewable energy, from coal-powered energy. Filled with thousands of lithium-ion cells, battery storage is a great asset to have, as these batteries can help with responding to electrical shortages. This can be done through utilising the excess energy stored from windy and sunny periods at a quicker rate than network operators have relied on in the past.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Coffey Testing has also been taking the initiative to tidy up their laboratories and recycle any scrap metal that is left over on site.

Leaving scrap metal on site is not only bad for the environment, but it can also cause health and safety risks to staff, including human flesh coming in contact with poisonous chemicals as well as sharp machine parts, rust, and the overall lifting, tripping over and fall objects can also present hazards in the workplace as well.

By taking the time to ensure that scrap metals and anything sharp and heavy is removed safely and recycled accordingly, Coffey Testing is;

  • Decreasing energy usage levels
  • Decreasing water and air pollution
  • Removing exposure to certain toxins, and
  • Decreasing the risk of pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases.

Coffey Testing

An example of our Coffey Testing team considering the environment in a project includes the Pacific Highway Upgrade – This was a $370 million project that occurred between 2009- 2013. To minimise the disturbance of natural soils and waste generation, Coffey Testing provided specialist advice on the potential effects of aid rock damage, and developed field processes to ensure that as many recyclable materials were utilised as possible without compromising structural integrity.

Do you have a project dedicated to contributing to the future of Australia’s sustainability?

Get in touch today for a quote.