Coffey Testing – Sydney can Conduct Rock and Specialty Concrete Testing

Coffey Testing – Sydney can conduct specialist rock and concrete testing, that produces data tailored to your unique project requirements.

Our technicians have the knowledge and experience to advise and develop suitable testing regimes that further assist you with design and construction, whilst still maintaining quality assurance and accuracy.

These are crucial factors that come into play when ensuring a project is safe and has been built with the intent to last.

The Coffey Testing – Sydney Team can perform the following tests that are NATA-endorsed*.

For Rock Testing:

  • Rock UCS testing on cores – AS 4133.4.2.1 and AS 4133.4.2.2
  • Rock Youngs Modulus and Poisson Ratio testing on cores – AS 4133.4.3.1 and AS 4133.4.3.2
  • Rock Point Load testing on cores and irregular pieces – AS 4133.4.1 and RMS T223
  • Rock Brazil Indirect Tensile testing on cores– RMS T222.
  • Rock Density Porosity testing – AS 4133.2.1.1 and AS 4133.2.1.2
  • Rock Moisture Content testing – AS 4133.1.1.1 (NB included as part of the UCS and modulus testing)
  • Rock Slake Durability testing – AS 4133.3.4 (Not NATA endorsed).


For Specialty Concrete Testing:

  • Constant Head Permeability testing on 150 mm wide concrete cores – DIN 1048 Part 5
  • Falling Head Permeability and Voids Content testing on 150 mm wide no-fine concrete cylinders – RMS T377 and RMS T378
  • Concrete Brazil Indirect Strength testing on cores and cylinders – AS 1012.10
  • Laboratory based Concrete Bond testing on 50 mm cores – in-house method
  • Laboratory based Silane testing on concrete cores – in-house method
  • Concrete Static Chord Modulus testing – AS 1012.17 (Not NATA endorsed).


*Except in-house and where indicated.


Need Help with Specialty Testing?

Get in touch with our friendly Sydney sales team for more information.